Saturday, February 26, 2011


this is a list from a blog that has some debunked risks in it, that I will try to eliminate

A List of Xenoestrogens
Posted on October 20, 2007 by sowgenerously

If you are attempting to avoid xenoestrogen exposure, here is a list of substances to avoid. I compiled this from many sources and it’s the most complete list on the Internet. Xenoestrogen contributes to “excess estrogen” or “estrogen dominance”.


* Commercially-raised, non-organic meats such as beef, chicken, and pork
* Commercial dairy products including milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream – Use only organic products that do not contain bovine growth hormone
* Unfiltered water, including water you bathe in – Use reverse-osmosis filtered water such as Dazani or get your own filter
* Laundry detergent – Use white vinegar, baking soda, or tri-sodium phosphate (TSP)… According to some experts, avoid even the Seventh Generation and Eco brands

I figure trader joe's hi-e is ok.

* Dryer sheets and fabric softeners – Use white vinegar is a marvelous natural fabric softener, no smell after it dries

The problem IS the smell after it dries! see avoidance of lavender oil... aiyyy I was using lavender instead...

* Avoid Primpro, DES, Premarin, Cimetidine (Tagamet), Marijuana, and Birth Control Pills.

* Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
* Paraben preservatives
* Soy
* Ground flaxseed – If you’re looking for the Omega-3 effect, use fish oil instead
* No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil – Use olive oil or grapeseed oil
* Avoid Tea tree oil (melaleuca) – I know, I love tea tree oil, this one is tough
* No lavendar oil
* Avoid coffee and caffeine
* Sage and rosemary
* Shampoos, lotions, soaps, cosmetics that contain paraben or phenoxyethanol – Almost all contain them, you have to look far and wide. Make sure no Dr. Bonner's with tea tree or lavender!

* Avoid reheating foods in plastic or styrofoam containers
* Avoid drinking out of plastic cups and containers

This has been pretty thoroughly debunked, although my reading today IS implicating plastics manufacture... (doing it, living near it)

Avoid naturally occurring plant estrogens:

* Coffee
* Clover, red clover tea, alfalfa sprouts
* Sunflower seeds
* Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot)
* Pomegranate – The Greeks used this plant as a contraceptive!
* Dates
* Fennel
* Licorice, red clover, yucca, hops (beer) and motherwort
* Bloodroot, ocotillo, mandrake, oregano, damiana, pennyroyal, verbena, nutmeg, tumeric, yucca, thyme, calamus rt., red clover, goldenseal, licorice, mistletoe, cumin, fennel, chamomile, cloves
* 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions)
* butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (food preservative)
* atrazine (weedkiller)
* bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers)
* erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3
* nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides)
* polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints)
* parabens (lotions)
* phenosulfothiazine (a red dye)
* phthalates (plasticizers)
o DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)

Here is another list from Dr. Peter Eckhart, MD:

2. Change your laundry detergent because it cannot be fully washed from the clothes and can be absorbed through the skin. Do NOT use dryer sheets or fabric softener.
3. Do not use anything on the skin with parabens or phenoxyethanol in them. This includes shampoo, soap, makeup, hand lotion, body lotion, and toothpaste. Oral substances are 90% filtered by the liver. Skin-absorbed substances are 100% absorbed by the body, thus, a skin dose is 10 times an oral dose.

4. Avoid coffee. Avoid decaf coffee. No caffeine. No tea. No colas. Caffeine increases estradiol levels by 70%!

5. No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil. (Guess that leaves olive oil).

7. Avoid estrogenic herbs especially TOPICALLY such as sage and rosemary.
8. Avoid weak estrogens such as soy and ground flax seed.
9. Many sunscreens are estrogenic. Check.
10. Use cosmetics with minerals or grapefruit seed extract as a preservative.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Smith, MD, there are some things you CAN do:

* Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food and water. Heat up your food using a glass or ceramic bowl covered with dish. When plastic is heated, it diffuses very rapidly into food.

This is true of all plastics *not* designed for microwave use as well as microwavable containers, which should never be washed & REused (like the ones frozen foods often come in), and other plastic containers food comes in, which, sorry grandma, should be RECYCLED, NEVER REUSED.

* Use a simple detergent with less chemicals; Nature Clean is a good choice for both laundry detergent and dish washing detergent.

* Simple Soap is a safe choice for shampoo and a body soap.

* Use natural pest control not pesticides.

* Avoid Synthetic Chemicals.

* Don’t use herbicides; use a cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar. That's nice if you want to kill *everything* and not just weeds.

* Buy hormone free meats to eat.

* Buy “Organic” produce, produce grown without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizer or hormones.

Actually, this is about strawberries, raspberries, apples, peppers, peaches, nectarines, pears, cherries, grapes, spinach, celery, and potatoes, and not so much about everything else. In case you were wondering.

* Use Condoms without spermicide for Birth control instead of Birth Control Pills. Use Natural Progesterone instead of HRT. << absolutely not; almost all ER+ cancer is also PR+

* In general, the hormones taken orally are first pass metabolized by the liver 80%-90%. However, when these hormones are applied to the skin, the hormones are directly absorbed by the body. Thus, any skin dose is 10 times that of an oral dose. The vast majority of skin lotions and creams use the parabens as a preservative. Avoid them at all costs. Instead apply a vegetable oil right after a shower to hydrate the skin and lock in the moisture.

Baby oil and cold cream: that's what I'm down to right now.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful with Baby Oil since it often contains mineral oil, which highly toxic to the body.
