Wednesday, February 27, 2013


On the evening news last night, somebody reported about breast cancer.  My Mom and her friend (we were hanging out, watching the news), boosted the volume.  While the reporting about Gen X, Y, Z, breast cancer was particularly egregious, I ... had to leave the room.  

No soy, birth control pills, or other hormone manipulations.  No smoking, but especially no smoking with birth control pills.  Find out your BRCA statuses.  I understand, as you do, the risks of early mammograms, on large populations.  But if you have naturally cystic breasts, 35 is aok for a baseline mammo.

I started thinking about filling in the gaps on this blog and making it a bit more public.  

My last event, 9/12, worked out well, and I was a learning lesson on proactive invasive biopsies on young women who've had previous breast cancer, at Cedars-Sinai.  

Doing some eldercare here in Florida, I realize even more than ever that Lindi Vanderwalde in LA is not only a "great cutter", but also a friend in the foxhole.